HPV and Oral Cancer

HPV and Oral Cancer: The Deadly Link

HPV and Oral Cancer have a longstanding relationship: one has been confirmed as a direct factor towards another. The human papillomavirus, or better known as HPV, plays a large factor in raising the risk of contracting oral cancer. HPV is contracted by having practicing unsafe oral sex, as well as other methods that can heighten the risk of the disease.

However, it has been discovered that poor oral health has actually been linked as a risk factor to HPV. Proper oral health is imperative to deter various oral diseases, such as periodontitis or teeth decay; which in itself can be traced as a source of the HPV and Oral Cancer connection.

HPV and Oral Cancer: Connecting the Dots

HPV and Oral Cancer share a common source: poor oral health. By not practicing proper oral health, the mouth becomes more susceptible to more complications that may eventually lead to the most harmful of oral diseases: oral cancer.

A study was performed that placed individuals with different standings of oral health into a controlled environment. Those with gum disease showed a 58% higher risk of oral HPV infection when compared to others. This information confirms that poor oral health can truthfully be considered the catalyst of many oral diseases that can affect your health, if not fatal in themselves.

Oral HPV infection causes 40-80% of oral cancer cases, and is seen as the deadliest link to this potentially fatal disease. Not only is it imperative to practice safe oral sex, but it is doubly important to maintain proper dental health and maintain consistent dental checkups with your family dentist. Oral health affects the body in more ways than one, and because of this it is ever important to keep yourself in optimal dental health.

April is Oral Cancer Awareness Month

We here at Cosmetic Dentists of Houston are proud promoters of spreading the message about oral cancer all throughout April. We are offering free oral cancer screenings to our patients to allow you to take preventive action against this potentially deadly disease. Remember: you have the power to put your health into your hands! Schedule your appointment with us today and take the right step towards proper dental health!

Contact Us

Come book your free oral cancer screening or professional dental checkup with us here at Cosmetic Dentists of Houston. Contact Us at 713-622-1977 today! Come visit our office location at 1900 W Loop South Suite#810 Houston Tx, 77027.