Dry Mouth

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Do You Have Dry Mouth?

In the medical world, dry mouth is known as Xerostomia. It’s caused by a number of different issues, but the common causes are:

  • Dehydration
  • Side effects from medicine
  • Medical condition symptoms
  • Nerve damage
  • Smoking

Though the causes are varied, the symptoms of dry mouth are always pretty clear. The most obvious one, of course, is having a dry mouth. This can also cause you to have trouble swallowing, bad breath, thirst, and cracked lips.

How you get rid of dry mouth depends on the severity and source of the problem. Luckily, there are home remedies that can help alleviate the issue. One key technique is stimulating your saliva, and you can do this by drinking water or chewing sugar-free gum. Okay, it doesn’t HAVE to be sugar-free, but your Houston dentist is just trying to look out for you. Drinks with caffeine can also contribute to dryness, so you should try to limit how much you drink them. This will also help you avoid teeth staining. One last tip is to avoid any mouthwashes that contain alcohol because alcohol can also make your mouth dry.

There are other things you can do to deal with dry mouth, such as quitting smoking, breathing through your nose, or using a humidifier. All of these will do wonders for your oral health! The last piece of advice from your Houston dentist is to come in for regular visits. This allows us to monitor your situation and see how it progresses.

Questions? Contact Cosmetic Dentists of Houston, and we’ll help you in any way we can!


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Dr. Amanda Canto
Dr. Amanda Canto has been sharing her passion for healthy, beautiful smiles since 1989. She is dedicated to developing exceptional relationships with her patients as well as the community in order to educate and enrich those she reaches.