Do You Need a Teeth Whitening Procedure?

Straight teeth: check. Clean teeth: check. White teeth: uncheck.

For many, this is a problem. Their teeth may be clean and strong and straight, but due to food and beverage consumption, especially dark foods and drinks, like coffee, their teeth are discolored. It give the appearance of bad hygiene, despite that not being the case. For this reason, teeth whitening has become a huge part of our patients necessities.

At Cosmetic Dentists of Houston, we see teeth every single day – some healthy, some not so much. More often than unhealthy teeth, however, are discolored teeth, ranging from yellow to a near brown color. These patients are often self-conscious about their teeth, keeping them from truly smiling and enjoying the benefits of straight and healthy teeth.

Dr. Amanda Canto suggests using different methods for teeth whitening, depending on how stained the teeth are. Our in-office teeth whitening treatment plan, however, is the best and most effective.

Our In-Office Teeth Whitening Treatment

This procedure starts with a free consultation to create a custom-made teeth whitening plan. During this consultation, the patient’s teeth are examined and impressions of the teeth are taken in order to create trays for the at-home portion of the teeth whitening session. She will also be able to configure exactly how many at-home sessions will be required.

This teeth whitening procedure, due to its effectiveness, is the one we conduct in-office using a power-bleach session using a concentrated peroxide based bleach. Your gums and the rest of your mouth are completely protected during this two-hour procedure. Depending on how dark and deep the discoloring, a second in-office session may be required. These sessions, using the concentrated peroxide bleach, must be conducted in-office and not at home.

After this treatment, Dr. Canto sends patients home with at-home treatments. These at-home treatments take anywhere between one to two weeks. These trays, designed to be perfectly fit around your teeth, are lined with a stable peroxide solution and only need to be worn one hour each day.

Dealing with Sensitive Teeth

At Cosmetic Dentists of Houston, there are several procedures and products that help patients who may encounter pain from their sensitive teeth:

• Specially formulated 3M Toothpaste used prior to teeth whitening
• Gluma Desensitizing Gel
• Laser Therapy used prior to the power bleaching session to help desensitize the roots of the sensitive tooth or teeth
• Fluorides or desensitizing gels placed in the bleaching trays during treatment

Free Teeth Whitening For Life

Cosmetic Dentists of Houston offers “Courtesy Whitening for Life With Continued Care Visits” – our special offer for teeth whitening in combination with your regular dental care visits. To learn more or to schedule a free teeth whitening consultation with Dr. Canto call 713-622-1977 or fill out our online form.

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Dr. Amanda Canto
Dr. Amanda Canto has been sharing her passion for healthy, beautiful smiles since 1989. She is dedicated to developing exceptional relationships with her patients as well as the community in order to educate and enrich those she reaches.